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What's New in ActIn Time 2023

Feature list comparison table between the following systems:

(The last column is showing that the feature was installed only in 2011+ and above versions i.e. 2011+ = 2011, 2012, 2013 etc, if your version does not appear then the feature was not installed in your version).

Interested to see what our GDPR policies include? Click here for more information!

  1. Essential |
  2. General |
  3. GDPR Tools |
  4. Personnel (HR) |
  5. Absence Management |
  6. Attendance |
  7. Payroll |
  8. Access Control |
  9. Fire Alarm Roll Call / Mustering |
  10. ESS & TWC |
  11. Reporting |
  12. Exporting - Reports & Data |
  13. Job Costing / Cost Centre Analysis |
  14. Asset Management |
  15. Hardware
Essential ActIn Time 2023 ActIn Time 2022 Older Version Compatibility
Temperature Monitoring and Contact tracing module yes yes
GDPR Tools Module – Customisable default scripts to alert users of personal data breaches set by global company permission policies to assist in complying with the new GDPR legislation starting 25th May 2018. yes yes yes (2018+)
Microsoft SQL Database Type MICROSOFT SQL:
2016 (2018+)
2012 (2013+),
2008 (2010+),
2005 (2010 - 2016)
Windows Platforms Windows 11,
Windows 10,
Windows 8,
Windows 7
Windows 11,
Windows 10,
Windows 8,
Windows 7
Windows 10,
Windows 8 (2013+),
Windows 7 (2011+ only),
all other platforms
use XP (up to 2014)
Server Compatibility Microsoft Server:
2022, 2019, 2016, 2012
Citrix compatible
Microsoft Server:
2016, 2012, 2008
Citrix compatible
Microsoft Server:
2016 (2019+) 2012 (2013+), 2008 (2012+)
& 2003 (up to 2014)
Virtual Server Licence - to enable software to be installed in a virtual environment yes yes 2012+
IIS (Internet Information Service) Web Server compatibility for the NEW Web Portal for ESS & TWC. yes yes 2015+
ESS & TWC (new web application suite for employee & manager self service) yes yes 2015+
.NET Framework Version 4.6.2 4.6.2 4.6.2(2019)
4.5.2 (2015)
4.6 (2016+)
New 64bit compatibility 64BIT 64BIT 2012+
Crystal Reports Engine V11.5 V11.5 v11.5 (2019+), v11 (2008+), v9 (2007 or below)
Installer now uses Installshield Installshield Professional 2018 Installshield Professional 2018 Installshield Professional 2014 (2015+)
New Asset Management Module yes yes 2015+
Introduced New Data Collection Agent yes yes 2015+
Introduced New "Mobile Worker" Phone App - Employees can clock in/out via a mobile phone with GPRS linked clockings yes yes 2017+
Active Directory Linking - There is now an option of utilising your Windows account to access ActIn Time yes yes 2017+
Enhanced Software Security - Higher levels of security within the software by introducing 256bit salted hash encrypted passwords yes yes 2017+
Create/Amend your own password security yes yes 2017+
Speed increase of up to 40% - Improved performance within Attendance Adjustments & Absence Management yes yes 2019+
Major security overhaul yes yes 2019+
ESS / TWC security patch - DevWeb updates yes yes 2019+
Added Support for TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2. TLS 1.0 now regarded as unsafe yes yes 2021 21.1.4+
ESSGO, New Dashboard, Report Viewer, Dashboard Designer & Event Agent .Net Core 7 .Net Core 6
General ActIn Time 2023 ActIn Time 2022 Older Version Compatibility
New built-in Excel export viewer yes
New Roster module yes
New DevExpress dashboard designer & live reporting tool yes
Faster calculation - up to 10 times faster yes yes 2011+
Amended user already logged on yes yes 2008+
Quick links for more info button yes yes 2012+
Email Me Alerts - automatic confirmation alerts after management decisions i.e. confirmation of absence acceptance/declined etc. yes yes 2012+
User preferences - individual user setup for various options i.e. mix and match of users using PDF and Crystal, calendar options etc. yes yes 2013+
Fast advanced quick links from adjustment screen directly to period and daily schedules at day and period level requests yes yes 2013+
New improved rate banding on daily & period schedules yes yes 2013+
Added removed unauthorised absence option to daily schedule yes yes 2013+
Increased speed in areas of system health warnings yes yes 2013+
SQL backup warning to "To Do List" if system fails to run yes yes 2013+
Scripts slider to client users yes yes 2013+
More 'group by' and 'sort by' grids yes yes 2014+
More sort and filter options yes yes 2014+
Performance Increase - minimising the application does not refresh SQL queries unless Alerts. yes yes 2015+
Automatic "To Do List" refresh can be disabled to speed up the application yes yes 2015+
Exclusion of Quick Link icons per user yes yes 2015+
Dashboards - Graphical display of Real Time Information throughout the system yes yes 2015+
Dashboards - multiple dashboards to be shown at once yes yes 2015+
Terminal Policy - added "request security pin" yes yes 2015+
Historical Data Lockdown - prevents users amending attendance and absence data once payroll has be run yes yes 2015+
Recalculate Wizard - added new range for "Period schedule & Absence Entitlement Policy)" yes yes 2015+
New application for fingerprint registration yes yes 2015+
General UI Font Change yes yes 2016+
New Icons and Quick Link images yes yes 2016+
Recolour of grid layouts yes yes 2016+
Updated appearance of application yes yes 2015+
Integration with Genetec Security Centre. yes yes 2019+
Added 3rd party integration for 'Paxton Net2 SQL'. yes yes 2019+
Added E-mail export function to Event Handler yes yes 2019+
Added export function to Event Handler yes yes 2019+
Added secure encryption options for email yes yes 2019+
Full design of Working Time Directive yes yes
Additional To-Do list script. yes yes
GDPR Tools ActIn Time 2023 ActIn Time 2022 Older Version Compatibility
New GDPR Module for version 2018 yes yes 2018+
Customisable default scripts for "To Do List" alerts yes yes 2018+
Remove Biometric data after "x" days yes yes 2018+
Remove Medical review after "x" days yes yes 2018+
Remove future absence data after "x" days yes yes 2018+
Remove ESS password after "x" days yes yes 2018+
Remove all Attendance data after "x" days yes yes 2018+
Remove all Absence data after "x" days yes yes 2018+
Remove all Employee data after "x" days yes yes 2018+
Optional customisable cripts specific to your own companies GDPR policy for other fields yes yes 2018+
New GDPR reporting screen yes yes 2018+
Configuration option to ensure that key information is added when an employee starts yes yes 2018+
Configuration option to ensure that you can hide key fields if a client does not want key fields populated if they are using an existing HR system yes yes 2018+
Automated system alerts yes yes 2018+
Added new 'GDPR Update' script and updated all other GDPR related scripts. yes yes 2019+
Personnel ActIn Time 2023 ActIn Time 2022 Older Version Compatibility
Essentials screen - core data displayed on one screen yes yes 2008+
Collapsible "To Do List" yes yes 2008+
Biometric template movement yes yes 2008+
Combined administration & client screen yes yes 2008+
Integrated / functional calendar yes yes 2008+
Fingerprint desktop registration (USB) yes yes 2008+
Email agent for emailing absence or attendance info yes yes 2010+
Personal document storage in SQL database yes yes 2012+
Additional Personnel features yes yes 2012+
Sort & filter employees on screen at a click of a button yes yes 2012+
Disable delete button for accidental deletion of HR records yes yes 2012+
Personnel & Planner yes yes 2012+
Terminal Policies yes yes 2012+
Printing ID badges yes yes 2012+
Form events - force rules on screen before being able to save record yes yes 2012+
Advanced filtering applied to all forms, reports & exports when activated at screen level yes yes 2013+
Select all and de-select all to menu options & reports yes yes 2013+
Quick links to Absence Management screen yes yes 2013+
Add Documents to a lot more fields in Personnel yes yes 2014+
Substantial increase of quick links for easier navigation yes yes 2014+
Drop down list automatic refresh yes yes 2014+
Ability to take a photo via camera yes yes 2014+
Quickly print ID cards directly via Personnel Screen yes yes 2014+
Dashboard - Live refresh of Key information i.e. Gender summary, Ethnic summary, Job Type summary yes yes 2015+
Dashboard - Bespoke option for dashboards to be written to display any information specific for your company requirements, this could include LIVE data reporting regarding timesheets or general statistics of content held within the software. yes yes 2015+
Improved Menu Layout yes yes 2016+
Document Scanning Feature yes yes 2016+
Enhanced Employment History Records yes yes 2016+
Store multiple documents against Qualifications, Job Specification, etc. yes yes 2016+
Assign multiple Qualifications to multiple employees in bulk yes yes 2016+
Training / Skills Matrix yes yes 2016+
Right to Work section yes yes 2016+
Several improvements linked to leaver date, when to exclude from payroll, etc. yes yes 2016+
Attendance record linked to start date in Job Specification, no longer displays unauthorised absence when adding an employee in advance. yes yes 2016+
Disclosure and Barring Service (CRB) yes yes 2016+
Full Redesign of Accident Section yes yes 2017+
Introduction of an Accident Book yes yes 2017+
Applying permissions within personnel now affects the 'Documents' tab yes yes 2018+
Form events - force data entry for key fields yes yes 2018+
Absence Management ActIn Time 2023 ActIn Time 2022 Older Version Compatibility
Highlight multiple absences for 1 day on calendar yes yes 2008+
Advanced Absence Management yes yes 2012+
Advanced absence entitlement summary yes yes 2012+
View previous years entitlement yes yes 2012+
Year end credits yes yes 2012+
Form events - force rules on screen before being able to save record yes yes 2012+
Absence Management scripts - bespoke rules for absence entitlement yes yes 2012+
Entitlement calculation scripts by day formula yes yes 2012+
Advanced bookings into following years come off the entitlement for that year and not this years figures. yes yes 2012+
Increased speed of block booking when dealing with rest days yes yes 2013+
Calendar preferences by user yes yes 2013+
Advanced tactical absence booking scripts to highlight additional information when booking absences i.e. Absences previously declined and then staff go off sick on that day, absence patterns for certain days off, entitlement warnings etc. yes yes 2013+
'Return to Work Interview' option when booking an absence yes yes 2014+
Revamped Bradford Factor yes yes 2014+
Absence Event link to Excel spreadsheet for extra audit checking against key company dates yes yes 2014+
Absence cancellation requests now added to "To Do List" yes yes 2015+
Email authorisation sent to employee once absence has been finalised. yes yes 2015+
Absence bookings and amendments are now audited yes yes 2015+
Credits are now audited yes yes 2015+
Entitlement Forecasts can be added to the "To Do List" yes yes 2015+
Dashboard - Live refresh of Key information i.e. Bradford Factor charts, Multiple Absence Chart etc. yes yes 2015+
Dashboard - Bespoke option for dashboards to be written to display any information specific for your company requirements, this could include LIVE data reporting regarding timesheets or general statistics of content held within the software. yes yes 2015+
Additional Quick Link icons yes yes 2018+
Speed Increase in Booking Absences - up to 10 times quicker yes yes 2018+
Hide redundant absence codes yes yes 2018+
Improvement to refunded/worked absences (holidays) yes yes 2018+
Attendance ActIn Time 2023 ActIn Time 2022 Older Version Compatibility
Added 'hand punch' terminal compatibility yes yes 2008+
Improved adjustment screen interaction yes yes 2008+
Terminal Enquiry Agent yes yes 2008+
USB terminals yes yes 2008+
Overtime attendance authorisation alerts yes yes 2012+
Improved staff planner - easy shift rostering yes yes 2012+
ESS clocking terminals - email me, balances, in/out status, entitlement yes yes 2012+
Advanced roster staff planner yes yes 2012+
Advanced block booking on the planner, add/replace/delete schedules yes yes 2013+
New Remuneration Policy enhancement yes yes 2013+
New 'Original Bookings' section to see bookings prior to amendments yes yes 2014+
Core Time Infringements' now show on "To Do List" summary yes yes 2014+
People Missing from Daily Schedules' now show on "To Do List" Summary yes yes 2014+
Mark Daily/Period Schedules as Redundant yes yes 2014+
Ability to use 'Bubble Tracker GPS devices' for attendance and tracking yes yes 2014+
SQL Wildcard for Daily Schedules against Users security levels yes yes 2015+
SQL Wildcard for Period Schedules against Users security levels yes yes 2015+
Security Information icon to show more audit trail of authorisation adjustments to data yes yes 2015
Dashboard - Live refresh of Key information i.e. Active Shifts, Employees missing from daily shifts, Hours worked by grouping/dept. yes yes 2015+
Dashboard - Bespoke option for dashboards to be written to display any information specific for your company requirements, this could include LIVE data reporting regarding timesheets or general statistics of content held within the software. yes yes 2015+
Additional Quick Link icons yes yes 2016+
Default Approve & Finalise yes yes 2016+
Improve integration with the planner for shift swaps yes yes 2016+
Intelligent Rate Visibility Control yes yes 2016+
Ergonomic improvements in Bookings window yes yes 2016+
Payroll ActIn Time 2023 ActIn Time 2022 Older Version Compatibility
Integrated Link to Sage Payroll or Earnie payroll (optional charges apply) yes yes 2012+
Payroll reminder on "To Do List" yes yes 2012+
Advanced multi company feature with last run and who by yes yes 2013+
Advanced multi policy mapping yes yes 2013+
Bespoke payroll link scripting yes yes 2013+
Access Control ActIn Time 2023 ActIn Time 2022 Older Version Compatibility
Biometric access control yes yes 2008+
Access control zoning yes yes 2010+
Employee locator yes yes 2010+
Real time locator yes yes 2012+
Real time access control activity on the planner yes yes 2012+
Anti-pass back yes yes 2015+
Dashboard - Bespoke option for dashboards to be written to display any information specific for your company requirements, this could include LIVE data reporting regarding timesheets or general statistics of content held within the software. yes yes 2015+
Fire Roll Call ActIn Time 2023 ActIn Time 2022 Older Version Compatibility
Roll Call button on "To Do List" screen yes yes 2008+
Mustering yes yes 2010+
Enhanced Fire Roll Call agent yes yes 2011+
Fire Roll Call - automatically open doors yes yes 2012+
Fire Roll Call - printout to network printers on activation yes yes 2012+
Advanced ADP (Attendance Display Panel) replaces/combines old real time locator and previous ADP yes yes 2013+
New ADP search employee and screen colouring yes yes 2013+
New advanced fire roll call monitor instant trigger yes yes 2013+
Email attendance roll call status list when triggered by fire alarm yes yes 2013+
Added Email Policies - emails users when Fire Roll Call is triggered yes yes 2014+
Context Menu to Grid with Quick Links to relevant forms yes yes 2015+
Fire Roll Call now only works with the Fire Alarm Monitor terminals yes yes 2016+
Fire Roll Call now utilises Push technology to link with the terminals yes yes 2016+
ESS & TWC ActIn Time 2023 ActIn Time 2022 Older Version Compatibility
IIS (Internet Information Service) Web Server compatibility for use with the NEW ESS & TWC yes yes 2015+
ESS (NEW web application suite for Employee Self Service) yes yes 2015+
TWC (NEW web application suite for Supervisor Self Service) yes yes 2015+
Enhanced web portal yes yes 2015+
Advanced supervisor module yes yes 2015+
Email of supervisor "To Do List" yes yes 2015+
Book an absence from within the ESS & TWC and select restricted set of absences yes yes 2015+
Added '(Not Finalised)' to absences when appropriate yes yes 2015+
Attendance - Multiple selection on a new booking yes yes 2015+
Job Costing - Multiple selection on a new booking yes yes 2015+
Cost Centre Analysis - Multiple selection on a new booking yes yes 2015+
Added support for TLS 1.1 (Transport Layer Security) and TLS 1.2, TLS 1.0 is now regarded as unsafe. yes yes
ESS & TWC - Attendance Module yes yes 2015+
ESS & TWC - Job Costing Module yes yes 2015+
ESS & TWC - Absence Module yes yes 2015+
ESS & TWC - Cost Centre Module yes yes 2015+
ESS - Check who is having Time Off before making an Absence request. yes yes 2015+
ESS - Cancel Absence requests yes yes 2015+
ESS - Absence Year Planner shown for other users by Name or Number yes yes 2015+
ESS - Show previous years Absence Entitlement yes yes 2015+
ESS - Selected employees can add misbookings with a reason for a manager to approve yes yes 2015+
ESS - View your Rota yes yes 2015+
ESS - About Me yes yes 2016+
ESS - View Documents yes yes 2017+
ESS - Check Training Records yes yes 2017+
ESS - Check Achievements yes yes 2017+
ESS - Upload Documents yes yes 2017+
ESS - Employees can record accidents yes yes 2017+
ESS - Add comments for new Absence requests yes yes 2018+
ESS - Hide absence colour for specific absences for 'Who's having time off?' yes yes 2018+
ESS - Specify absence reasons that cannot be cancelled for 'Cancel a request for time off?' yes yes 2018+
ESS - Entitlement check displayed when requesting absence or holidays yes yes 2018+
TWC - Managers can see their "To Do List" yes yes 2015+
TWC - Managers "ADP" (Attendance Display Panel) to see who's In/Out yes yes 2015+
TWC - Managers can correct miss-bookings yes yes 2015+
TWC - Managers can correct unauthorised absences yes yes 2015+
TWC - Managers can add missed bookings yes yes 2015+
TWC - Viewing of absence statistics (year planner) for managers before approval yes yes 2015+
TWC - Managers authorise or decline absence requests yes yes 2015+
TWC - Managers can view employees entitlement yes yes 2015+
TWC - Managers view Rota's yes yes 2015+
TWC - Photo display of employee for faster recognition of user yes yes 2015+
TWC - Systems Health statistics yes yes 2015+
TWC - Check who is having Time Off before finalising yes yes 2015+
TWC - Check an employees Time sheet for basic & overtime hours yes yes 2015+
TWC - View and Add Job Costing timesheet information yes yes 2015+
TWC - View and Add Cost Centre timesheet information yes yes 2015+
TWC - View Amendments on clocking data yes yes 2016+
TWC - View Employee Training records yes yes 2016+
TWC - View and Upload Documents yes yes 2017+
TWC - Add/Remove planned shift patterns yes yes 2017+
TWC - Enhanced ADP Redesign yes yes 2017+
Reporting ActIn Time 2023 ActIn Time 2022 Older Version Compatibility
Free report designer yes yes 2008+
Additional standard reports yes yes 2008+
Company logo on reports yes yes 2008+
Additional report features yes yes 2011+
Dozens of revamped reports yes yes 2012+
Report - de/select leavers or hrs/mins & decimal within report properties yes yes 2012+
Automated emailing of reports yes yes 2013+
Crystal Reports version 11.5 11.5 11 (2015)
Training Matrix Dashboard added yes yes 2017+
Exports ActIn Time 2023 ActIn Time 2022 Older Version Compatibility
New feature to enable users to export database data easily into a 3rd party program e.g. Excel, Word yes yes 2013+
New feature to enable users to export report data easily into a 3rd party program yes yes 2013+
Option to bespoke "Word" exports now available i.e. letter formats yes yes 2015+
Training Matrix Exports yes yes
Job Costing ActIn Time 2023 ActIn Time 2022 Older Version Compatibility
Enhanced job costing module yes yes 2012+
Actual hours and cost comparisons against targets yes yes 2012+
Link to time & attendance (optional cost) yes yes 2012+
Multiple users on same jobs yes yes 2012+
Upon completion qty option yes yes 2012+
Quick status check to see what someone is working on in the planner yes yes 2012+
Backward compatible with older clocking terminals yes yes 2012+
Remuneration policy added for individual cost centres yes yes 2013+
Cost Centre analysis - to enable staff to work in various cost Centres at different rates of pay yes yes 2013+
Cost Centre analysis - monitoring of hours worked at various places of work against attendance hours worked yes yes 2013+
Job Costing and cost centre combo lists for faster data entry yes yes 2013+
Dashboard - Bespoke option for dashboards to be written to display any information specific for your company requirements, this could include LIVE data reporting regarding timesheets or general statistics of content held within the software. yes yes 2015+
Additional Quick Link icons yes yes 2015+
Cost centre form events added yes yes 2019+
Job costing form events added yes yes 2018+
Additional 'To Do List' items for Job Costing & Cost Centre bookings awaiting a decision and awaiting finalisation yes yes 2018+
Cost Centre Analysis ActIn Time 2023 ActIn Time 2022 Older Version Compatibility
Enhanced job costing module yes yes 2012+
Actual hours and cost comparisons against targets yes yes 2012+
Link to time & attendance (optional cost) yes yes 2012+
Multiple users on same jobs yes yes 2012+
Upon completion qty option yes yes 2012+
Quick status check to see what someone is working on in the planner yes yes 2012+
Backward compatible with older clocking terminals yes yes 2012+
Remuneration policy added for individual cost centres yes yes 2013+
Cost Centre analysis - to enable staff to work in various cost Centres at different rates of pay yes yes 2013+
Cost Centre analysis - monitoring of hours worked at various places of work against attendance hours worked yes yes 2013+
Job Costing and cost centre combo lists for faster data entry yes yes 2013+
Dashboard - Bespoke option for dashboards to be written to display any information specific for your company requirements, this could include LIVE data reporting regarding timesheets or general statistics of content held within the software. yes yes 2015+
Additional Quick Link icons yes yes 2015+
Cost centre form events added yes yes 2018+
Job costing form events added yes yes 2018+
Additional 'To Do List' items for Job Costing & Cost Centre bookings awaiting a decision and awaiting finalisation yes yes 2018+
Asset Management ActIn Time 2023 ActIn Time 2022 Older Version Compatibility
Company Asset Management; store information relating to company equipment including service dates etc. yes yes 2017+
Personnel Asset Management; provides information of equipment assigned to staff & qualification information required to utilise equipment yes yes 2017+
New Asset Management Terminal; Can be wired inline with company equipment. Machinery will not start unless an employee provides a valid badge / finger & has relevant up-to-date qualifications to run the equipment yes yes 2017+
Hardware ActIn Time 2023 ActIn Time 2022 Older Version Compatibility
Integration with new Suprema F2 and X401 Terminals yes
Integration with X401 bell ringer units yes
Integration with Genetec Security Centre yes yes
Added support for Suprema 'XPass2' devices. yes yes
Additional Support for FaceLite yes yes
Integration of Tokyo Platform which provides additional hardware interaction with touchscreen PC/tablets yes yes
Improved Biometric security for the Suprema devices. yes yes
Faster terminal speed yes yes 2008+
Flash upgrade firmware via software yes yes 2008+
Backward compatibility with older terminals yes yes 2010+
Combined handscan & fingerprint compatibility yes yes 2011+
Compatible with the new range of hardware yes yes 2011+
GPRS Option for remote sites yes yes 2012+
ESS - employee self service - check entitlement balances, email me, hours worked. yes yes 2013+
Face recognition terminals yes yes 2013+
Attendance In & Out script to show status on terminal when clocking - On selected terminals and pcb's yes yes 2013+
New advanced roll call monitor for instant triggering yes yes 2013+
Combined biometric and proximity readers with pin option yes yes 2013+
Compatibility with Touch Screen (Themed) Terminals yes yes 2014+
Bespoke Terminal theme (Only on V11 terminals and above) yes yes 2014+
Enhanced ESS (Only on V11 terminals and above) yes yes 2014+
Can now request Holiday cancellations (Only on V11 terminals and above) yes yes 2014+
Touch Screen Image can now have a keyboard image embedded yes yes 2015+
Terminal Enquiry Agent can now have 30 lines of characters yes yes 2015+
Communication method on Terminal Enquiry Agenda enhanced yes yes 2015+
Communication method on Fire Alarm Controllers enhanced yes yes 2015+
Increased Biometric security checking for software & hardware yes yes 2015+
Ability to trigger Fire alarm test from software yes yes 2016+
Smart Booking Technology - v11 terminals can now display In/Out when an employee clocks yes yes 2016
Older terminals are no longer compatible yes yes v9.x.x Backwards (2016)
v8.x.x Backwards (2015)
Multiple Biometric Formats Added yes yes 2017+
Push Communication Technology Introduced yes yes 2017+
Terminal Grouping now made Available yes yes 2017+
Major Improvements to Biometric Template Movement yes yes 2017+
Full integration with 'Suprema' biometric devices yes yes 2019+
Integration to IP67 external waterproof Suprema biometric readers yes yes 2019+
New advanced Fingerprint Registration Wizard yes yes 2019+
Added new 'Suprema USB Fingerprint Enrolment Wizard'. yes yes 2019+
Added enrolment at the device to 'NMD3 (Suprema Attendance)' devices. yes yes 2019+
Added capability of using 'NMD3’ (Suprema Access Control)' devices. yes yes 2019+
Added capability of using 'NMD3 (Suprema Access Control Slave)' devices. yes yes 2019+
Added capability of using 'NMD3 (Suprema Assembly Point)' devices yes yes 2019+
Suprema device models tested and approved 'BioLite N2 (IP67 Keypad)', 'BioEntry W2 (IP67/IK09 POE)' and 'BioEntry P2'. yes yes 2019+
Suprema device model added, tested and approved 'BioStation A2 (POE)'. yes yes 2019+
Add new badge formats for Suprema devices, '26 bit SIA Standard - H10301', 'HID 37 bit - H10302', 'HID 37 bit - H10304', 'HID 35 bit - Corporate 1000', 'HID 48 bit - Corporate 1000', '26 bit - NMD3' yes yes 2019+
Added capability of using 'Suprema Face Station 2' device yes yes 2019+