ActIn Time support contact details:
Opening Hours:
9:00 - 17:00
Monday to Friday
020 88827200
Upgrade your ActIn Time / ActIn Time Lite
Unless you have spoken to a qualified ActIn Time technician to carry out a System Health Check, for compatibility reasons, you should not attempt to upgrade your system yourself as not all clocking hardware are compatible with the latest version, and certain pre-requisites have to be installed otherwise you run the risk of getting data corruption or data loss.
Latest releases...
ActIn Time 2024: 24.1.1
ActIn Time Lite 2024: N/A
ActIn Time 2024 is available to download free of charge to customers with a current support contract with ActIn Time v8.1.1 or higher. However, any upgrades should be carried out by an ActIn Time specialist to prevent any data loss during the procedure.
Customers with ActIn Time 2.1.1 - 2.1.5 will need to purchase an additional licensing dongle.
Please contact customer support for further information.
ActIn Time Software
ActIn Time 2024
ActIn Time 2024
Latest Version
version 24.1.1
ActIn Time 2023
ActIn Time 2023
Latest Version
version 23.1.4
ActIn Time 2022
ActIn Time 2022
Latest Version
version 22.1.7
SQL Express Software
SQL Express 2019
SQL 2019
Latest Version
version 15.0.2000.5
Compatible Versions
This version of SQL Express is compatible with the following versions:
ActIn Time 2022
ActIn Time 2021
ActIn Time 2020
SQL Express 2017
SQL 2017
Latest Version
version 14.0.1000.169
Compatible Versions
This version of SQL Express is compatible with the following versions:
Actin Time 2022
ActIn Time 2021
ActIn Time 2020
SQL Express 2016
SQL 2016
Latest Version
version 13.1.4001.0
Compatible Versions
This version of SQL Express is compatible with the following versions:
ActIn Time 2019
ActIn Time 2018
ActIn Time 2017
SQL Express 2014
SQL 2014
Latest Version
version 12.0.6024.0
Compatible Versions
This version of SQL Express is compatible with the following versions:
ActIn Time 2014
ActIn Time 2019
ActIn Time 2018
ActIn Time 2017
Actin Time 2016
ActIn Time 2015
SQL Express 2012
SQL 2012
Latest Version
version 11.0.7001.0
Compatible Versions
This version of SQL Express is compatible with the following versions:
ActIn Time 2013
ActIn Time 2012
ActIn Time 2018
ActIn Time 2017
Actin Time 2016
ActIn Time 2015
ActIn Time 2014
SQL Express 2008
SQL 2008
Latest Version
version 10.0.6000.29
Compatible Versions
This version of SQL Express is compatible with the following versions:
ActIn Time 2013
ActIn Time 2012
ActIn Time 2011
ActIn Time 2010
ActIn Time 2018
ActIn Time 2017
Actin Time 2016
ActIn Time 2015
ActIn Time 2014
Touch Screen Software

ActIn Time Touchscreen terminal firmware
Latest Version
version 11.2.5
ActIn Time technicians: download the latest tech, app, export scripts and report packs to provide new features and greater flexibility when implementing new systems...
ActIn Time Scripts
Latest Version
Technician Pack - 10/06/2013
v11 Attendance PCB (Touch Screen)

This version includes a visual confirmation on
boot-up to indicate if a biometric reader is connected.
Released 29/09/14
version 11.3.3
v10 Fire Alarm Monitor

Notes to follow.
This is the final version for v9 PCBs
Released 09/10/14
version 10.1.4
v10 Assembly-point PCB

Notes to follow.
Released 09/10/14
version 10.4.1
v10 Access PCB

Notes to follow.
Released 28/10/14
version 10.4.1
v10 Attendance PCB

Notes to follow.
Released 01/05/14
version 10.4.6
Secugen Device Drivers v6.5

Supports: Windows 7, Windows Servers 2003, Windows Vista Windows 2000/Me/98 SE, Windows XP, Windows NT4/9X
Download 32 bit version here
FTDI device drivers - desktop registration device

t9-0140 ActIn Time proximity
t9-0145 mifare proximity